Tuesday, April 21, 2009


As we are now over one week in our new place, I have reflected on the blessing of provision. The struggles we’ve wrestled w/ this week have been important, but in the big picture I feel we are very blessed. In this initial season of ministry, we have been blessed by various financial supporters (churches, our denomination, and individuals). We are blessed by all our new friends we’ve met since moving to WA (we entertained 2x this past week, had several friends pop in, and look forward to more of both). We feel blessed that Montana, although reaching new levels of energy and spunk, has had a smooth transition. And I feel blessed to live in Bellingham CoHousing. The space is cozy and inviting; our neighbors have been so friendly and welcoming. I feel blessed by all of these different things.

While thinking about these things today (an awesome sunny day), I was reminded, by my homeboy John Calvin, that although all these blessings come from different people and places, they have the same source. God has blessed through the blessings of others. Here’s a piece of what I read today:

“With regard to inanimate objects again we must hold that though each is possessed of its peculiar properties, yet all of them exert their force only in so far as directed by the immediate hand of God. Hence they are merely instruments, into which God constantly infuses what energy he sees meet, and turns and converts to any purpose at his pleasure. No created object makes a more wonderful or glorious display than the sun. For, besides illuminating the whole world with its brightness, how admirably does it foster and invigorate all animals by its heat, and fertilise the earth by its rays, warming the seeds of grain in its lap, and thereby calling forth the verdant blade! This it supports, increases, and strengthens with additional nurture, till it rises into the stalk; and still feeds it with perpetual moisture, till it comes into flower; and from flower to fruit, which it continues to ripen till it attains maturity. In like manner, by its warmth trees and vines bud, and put forth first their leaves, then their blossom, then their fruit. And the Lord, that he might claim the entire glory of these things as his own, was pleased that light should exist, and that the earth should be replenished with all kinds of herbs and fruits before he made the sun. No pious man, therefore, will make the sun either the necessary or principal cause of those things which existed before the creation of the sun, but only the instrument which God employs, because he so pleases; though he can lay it aside, and act equally well by himself” (Institutes I.16.2)

Monday, April 20, 2009

we're in!

We finally moved to Bellingham! We are excited and a bit disoriented. Moving can be exhausting on numerous levels. My back is feeling a bit fatigued from not lifting w/ the legs, but it is basically “back” to normal (bad pun). We felt so blessed to have had so many people help us load and unload the truck. Thanks to those who helped. Emotionally moving is also challenging. I don’t enjoy living in chaos, but we are getting that figuring out too. I will be glad when I don’t have to think too hard where things are. K8 has been awesome w/ the move, making things work in a smaller place. Montana has also been awesome. We wondered how she would adjust to a new environment, but she has made some new friends and discovered many new exciting places to play. Our new neighbors have welcomed us so warmly, w/ helping us unload, w/ food, and greetings. We’re excited to get to know them all better.

Now that we’re here and roughly moved in, the task becomes gaining a strategy for the church plant. I’ve been intrigued by how Jesus built into His disciples. He called them from where they were at in Luke 5-6, then He built into them in Luke 7-8, and then in Luke 9 He sent them out to serve. Calling, building, sending, I like these things in regard to how we might do church, although the language could be contextualized. These are things we can be doing both now and 5 years from now. I like the idea of trying to focus on these things concurrently. We can be hanging out w/ folks, whether that means joining book clubs and running clubs, or watching movies and eating in our home. We can be looking into God’s word w/ people, or praying together. And, we can begin serving our neighbors and neighborhood in practical ways w/ others. It seems simple. Maybe I’m naïve, but I’m going to start w/ those 3 things as we get to know people around us in our new neighborhood and town. I’m sure it will get chiseled as we continue the journey, and discern w/ others. Let me know if you are interested in walking this journey w/ us.

Thursday, April 2, 2009

creation points us to the creator

Before moving on from his discussion on the creation of the world, Calvin expresses how the sovereign work of creation can speak to humanity. He says in I.14.22:

"...To conclude, in one word; as often as we call God the Creator of heaven and earth, let us remember that the distribution of all the things which he created are in his hand and power, but that we are his sons [and daughters], whom he has undertaken to nourish and bring up in allegiance to him, that we may expect the substance of all good from him alone, and have full hope that he will never suffer us to be in want of things necessary to salvation, so as to leave us dependent on some other source; that in everything we desire we may address our prayers to him, and, in every benefit we receive, acknowledge his hand, and give him thanks; that thus allured by his great goodness and beneficence, we may study with our whole heart to love and serve him."

He, the creator God, richly provides for us, via His creation. He made sure our world was ready for our arrival before He placed us in it. This causes me to think of the imperative we have therefore to care for His creation, as good stewards, promoting justice and compassion to our world and neighbors. It also causes me to come to the same conclusion as "our boy" Calvin states above, that in a like manner we can have great confidence in knowing that God will provide for our needs, both spiritual and physical. He is good; the good earth He created points us to His goodness, His love, His compassion.