Now that we've figured out where God wants us for this next season, I'm readjusting my mind to a new chapter. Perhaps the title of this next chapter could be something like, "Discovering Who We Are" (I'll try to think of something witty later). Ideas of mission, vision, and values are floating here and there. I've read lengthy statements for each... and it is too much. I'm discovering these types of statements have value, but are not expressed in the language I speak. Realizing we are on a journey, I like the idea that our values should be our vision, and our vision should be the values we strive for; simple, they are one in the same. The image of this "conversation" or "story" resonates much more to me than a canned "process" of strategic planning. So I am trying to find a language that speaks to our story, yet also captures the value of the process of vision casting.
It is a work in progress, but I cannot shake the story of Christ. He called and loved folks where they were at; He built them up in His love; He then sent them out to love and serve others, where they were at. This was all done in the context of community, drawing folks from isolation and into a family. So how does this story translate as I daydream about our future chapters? How does the story of Christ translate in our language today?
It is a work in progress, but I like the idea that we would follow His lead and hang out w/ people where they are at, having fun doing the things we commonly share (in playing, watching movies, discussing ideas and daydreams, over a good meal, good coffee, or a good beer). I like the idea of following His lead, coming together to build each other up in His love for Him and each other (through prayer, study of His word, eating together, worship). I like the idea of following His lead as we together express our love for Him, His creation, and His people through serving those around us, w/ no strings attached (in our neighborhood, w/ our neighbors, as we creatively influence our neighborhood for common good). I like the idea of having those 3 elements (hanging out, growing, and serving) define who we are, how we live, and what we strive for. Maybe it is too simple, but simplicity is my preference. It is a story that is a work in progress, and I invite you to join our conversation.
Tuesday, March 31, 2009
Thursday, March 26, 2009
This week we are in committing ourselves to prayer for Kingdom growth here in the county, that God’s LOVE would be made known anew in our area. My prayer this week is that He would give us open eyes to see how we can show His love to our neighborhood, and creativity in addressing needs. Will you join us in prayer this week? I’ve placed a prayer guide on the prayer link to the right. May He bless as we serve Him and others.
the goodness of God
I’m doing my best to read John Calvin’s Institutes of the Christian Religion this year. Today I was encouraged by this piece from section I.14.2:
“…In the very order of events [creation], we ought diligently to ponder on the paternal goodness of God toward the human race, in not creating Adam until he had liberally enriched the earth with all good things. Had he placed him on an earth barren and unfurnished; had he given life before light, he might have seemed to pay little regard to his interest. But now that he has arranged the motions of the sun and stars for man’s use, has replenished the air, earth, and water, with living creatures, and produced all kinds of fruit in abundance for the supply of food, by performing the office of a provident and industrious head of a family, he has shown his wondrous goodness toward us…”
I was blessed by this today. To think that before humanity was created, God prepared a rich home for us. He prepared our awesome world, w/ all its blessings and riches, THEN created humanity. This displays His great love for us, His goodness, and His plan to bless us. We serve a great God.
“…In the very order of events [creation], we ought diligently to ponder on the paternal goodness of God toward the human race, in not creating Adam until he had liberally enriched the earth with all good things. Had he placed him on an earth barren and unfurnished; had he given life before light, he might have seemed to pay little regard to his interest. But now that he has arranged the motions of the sun and stars for man’s use, has replenished the air, earth, and water, with living creatures, and produced all kinds of fruit in abundance for the supply of food, by performing the office of a provident and industrious head of a family, he has shown his wondrous goodness toward us…”
I was blessed by this today. To think that before humanity was created, God prepared a rich home for us. He prepared our awesome world, w/ all its blessings and riches, THEN created humanity. This displays His great love for us, His goodness, and His plan to bless us. We serve a great God.
happy valley – bellingham cohousing
Having not written on the old blog in a while, there is a lot to say. Since my last entry on march 3rd, a lot has happened. We decided that we feel the Lord is leading us to move and work in the Happy Valley neighborhood in Bellingham (#17 on the neighborhood map, next door to I-5 to the east and Fairhaven (#19) to the west, and WWU (#15) to the north). Folks have asked, “Why Happy Valley?” My answer = while I investigated neighborhoods in Bellingham, I found myself repeatedly daydreaming about how I could serve this neighborhood, which wasn’t happening in the other neighborhoods. This coupled with the encouragement of others to check out the area. Happy Valley/Fairhaven was an area that continued to be an overlapping neighborhood when people suggested places to pray about. “It seemed good to the Holy Spirit and to us…” (Acts 15:28).
K8, on our family blog (, expressed some thoughts on moving to Bellingham, which I think are well worthy of sharing here:
When Aaron and I lived in Langley, we would often drive down to Bellingham for an afternoon. We would go for a walk around Lake Padden and have supper at La Fiamma. Our conversation at one point or another would lead to how cool it would be to live in Bellingham and how much we loved that community. Yesterday, we had a little outing to Bellingham. We hiked around Lake Padden and ate at La Fiamma. The only difference between the trips a few years ago and yesterday was that we had Montana with us AND we signed a lease on an apartment in Bellingham. CRAZY! It's so exciting to be taking yet another step in our journey and cool to see it come full circle. Little did we know 2 or 3 years ago that we would be moving to Bellingham. It seems God was planting those Bellingham seeds in our hearts. It makes me think of Proverbs 19:21 (from the Message)... "We humans keep brainstorming options and plans, but God's purpose prevails."
K8 mentions we signed a lease on a place in Happy Valley, and the story is cool. After sending out a prayer letter to folks, expressing our decision to serve in Happy Valley, I received an email from Larry. He expressed that if we were going to be in Happy Valley to check out an available place for rent in the Bellingham Cohousing ( I had driven by a few months ago, looked it up online thinking it would be a cool place to live, but discovered at the time that there were no openings. So I was excited to discover that it was now an option. It is a campus of condos where residents intentionally allow their lives to overlap w/ their neighbors. There are optional shared meals, and lots of opportunities to share life w/ others (check out more on the website). K8 and I have always talked about living in this manner, so we are stoked to move in April. God surprised us, and opened this door for us to start living and serving in Happy Valley.
Tuesday, March 3, 2009
a story from the run
Nearly every week, K8 and I try to hang out w/ different people. One week we invited a family to our place for dinner. Having never hung out w/ them before, the dinner gave us a great opportunity to get to know them more. We heard a bit of their story, how they met, their hopes, and their journey in the church and faith. It was great. As they were putting on their coats, they mentioned that we were the first people in a couple years to invite them over. This family is not new to the community, and we (the newcomers) were the first to invite them over. It made K8 and I sad to think about it. This couple, and all of us, long for community. We long to belong. You know, "Making your way in the world today takes everything you got. Taking a break from all your worries sure would help a lot. Wouldn't you like to get away? Sometimes you want to go, where everybody knows your name, and they're always glad you came." We all want that, and yet it's out of our comfort zone to invite someone along w/ what we're doing; so, sometimes we don't. My prayer is that you and I would be challenged to action, moved to include others in our lives, and that we would do it. May He bless our movement and building of community together.
Monday, March 2, 2009
As we move through the process of creating community, I am again struck by the need for community. No brainer, right? Having others to keep us in check, others to pray w/, others to have fun w/, others to dream and move toward those dreams w/ - all these things are a blessing. As we narrow down a "place" to plant, I find myself needing to focus on "people." Who will join us in the launch phase of the church plant? Who will join us in doing life together in community? My prayer is that God will rise up folks who will love and worship God w/ us, while we love a serve others and each other. My prayer is that He will bring people before us who will synergistically move w/ us in these things, someone w/ a passion for worship and prayer, someone with a heart for hospitality and outreach, someone who loves to see families grow in the Lord together, someone who enjoys administration stuff, and all w/ a heart to see God transform their lives, and their neighborhood and their city. My prayer is that these folks will cross our paths this month, and daydream w/ us. Will you join me in this prayer?
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