Now that we've figured out where God wants us for this next season, I'm readjusting my mind to a new chapter. Perhaps the title of this next chapter could be something like, "Discovering Who We Are" (I'll try to think of something witty later). Ideas of mission, vision, and values are floating here and there. I've read lengthy statements for each... and it is too much. I'm discovering these types of statements have value, but are not expressed in the language I speak. Realizing we are on a journey, I like the idea that our values should be our vision, and our vision should be the values we strive for; simple, they are one in the same. The image of this "conversation" or "story" resonates much more to me than a canned "process" of strategic planning. So I am trying to find a language that speaks to our story, yet also captures the value of the process of vision casting.
It is a work in progress, but I cannot shake the story of Christ. He called and loved folks where they were at; He built them up in His love; He then sent them out to love and serve others, where they were at. This was all done in the context of community, drawing folks from isolation and into a family. So how does this story translate as I daydream about our future chapters? How does the story of Christ translate in our language today?
It is a work in progress, but I like the idea that we would follow His lead and hang out w/ people where they are at, having fun doing the things we commonly share (in playing, watching movies, discussing ideas and daydreams, over a good meal, good coffee, or a good beer). I like the idea of following His lead, coming together to build each other up in His love for Him and each other (through prayer, study of His word, eating together, worship). I like the idea of following His lead as we together express our love for Him, His creation, and His people through serving those around us, w/ no strings attached (in our neighborhood, w/ our neighbors, as we creatively influence our neighborhood for common good). I like the idea of having those 3 elements (hanging out, growing, and serving) define who we are, how we live, and what we strive for. Maybe it is too simple, but simplicity is my preference. It is a story that is a work in progress, and I invite you to join our conversation.