It has been amazing how much better my weekly rhythm feels now that I look at Sunday as "my Monday." The first part of my week is now quite busy, w/ church, Firehouse work, small groups, meetings, and running around. The second part of my week is laid back, w/ volunteering, writing, reading, and lots of time hanging w/ K8 and Montana, and friends. It is nice to have rhythms of working hard and resting.
The idea of Sabbath is pretty profound, if you think about it. God leads by example and rested (Gen 2:1-3); Christ often sought solitude in the middle of His busyness (Mt 14:13, 23). It is good for us when we are able to stop from or normal work, and do something different. It's nice when we have the time to stop and listen, give thanks, and worship. This picture is a good one, but a bit dualistic, compartmentalized. It's nice to look forward to the second half of my week, but what about first half of the week.
Is it possible to find rest and worship WHILE we work or are busy? Brother Lawrence, a 17th century monk known for his teachings in "The Practice of the Presence of God", encourages us to find the peace of Christ in common things. One of the things
It's a blessing to have rhythms in my week, and important for me to guard these rhythms. But more importantly, it's a blessing to find moments of rest and peace in Christ no matter I'm doing. My prayer is that God would reveal to you and me moments of worship today, whatever rhythm we're in, however mundane.
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